Thankfully, the truth seekers are already asking the questions about “who funded this study?” and “do all the studies say the same thing?”. Perhaps we can quickly discount this obviously self-serving study (well, a study is what they call it) and place it in the same circular file that we tossed the “liquor is good for you” and “chocolate has lots of antioxidants” studies of years past. One wonders how many new users the soft-drug sellers get per dollar when comparing the “study” method of winning converts versus standard old advertising tricks.
You see, I am old enough to remember the “doctors” coming on TV and explaining how Chesterfields (or whatever brand) were good for your health. To say the cigarette companies were brazen is truly an understatement. Ultimately, they were exposed as outright liars and deceivers.
Much as savvy MDs warn about stopping prescription drugs too quickly, Dr. Reams was wary about having heavy coffee drinkers stop abruptly. He knew how powerful a drug caffeine really is. However, he did not see much harm coming to the person past middle age having one cup of “Brazilian tea” in the morning. BT is nothing more than a cup of coffee so weak you can see the bottom of the cup through it.
Smart man, that Carey Reams.