What about this other list we find in the internet - free for all - alkaline/acid food - is this the same ?
I am surprised that several people did not jump to help you.
Whatever...check the ARM and you will see where Reams said, "Combinations of foods, there’s a little bit of truth in it. Only a little bit. Fads. I have not been able to bear out any of those things in laboratory work testing people."
"Food combining" has to do with the widely touted "acid/alkaline" concept popularized by Dr. John Tilden, one of my heroes. There are all sorts of charts out there to help people and Tilden had decades of success with the method. My research makes me think that Tilden probably helped a dozen people get well for every one that Reams helped.
The paradox of Tilden pushing one thing and Reams another probably can be resolved by realizing that Tilden had no test equipment when working with severely digestive-impaired clients. He taught that they should eat far less food and to be picky about it. OTOH, Reams' research showed him that the digestive power was greatest when the saliva pH was 6.4 (saliva and liver digestive juices are like mirrors).
You don't affect the liver digestive juices by paying attention to "acid/alkaline" charts. You affect them by paying attention to the predominant calcium types in the foods you eat. Some of those types help move the saliva in a cationic direction, some are neutral, and some provide the calcium type that moves things toward the anionic side.
I don't know if Beddoe teaches this. I know that Manthei was given the information by Reams, but I'm not sure he ever paid close attention. I do know that Michael Olszta took the information and ran with it. He and his students have developed some handy charts and I personally think all RBTIers should have one to help them work on their diet so that they are not constantly having to take so darn many supplements just to offset poor food choices.
The above is one of the more important reasons I always advise people to get a competent teacher and learn the basics. This is not a teaching forum, but all of us here have a responsibility to explain things in great detail when a question indicates the person asking is going in a very wrong direction.
The long and short of it is this: dump the acid/alkaline charts and learn RBTI or forget RBTI and spend years playing with something that will only frustrate you. "Go by the numbers" is as real as it gets.