errata sheet for the rob owen document
- 1976-77: Rex, need to close in 1976-77
- What shold be done about revisions and corrections? *** Rex: is should
- judgement ***Rex: should be judgment
- enrol *** Rex, is enroll
- In view of his use of all these methods (comma) all available information from the course has been presented here in summary and, as far as possible, the wording and explanations are his.
- 2. To make it readable, an Rex: is readible
- Under Part 9: #2
- Ageing Rex: is Aging
- PAGE 1 - LAST PARAGRAPH What shold [SHOULD] be done about revisions and corrections? In days past, some authors utilized pasted-in errata sheets to try to propagate corrections. Others simply printed freshened editions. Some even sold thinly veiled rewrites as entirely new books. Quite possibly, the internet age has given us a new tool. An interactive web page at <> has been reserved for the specific purpose of listing corrections that come to light. Yes, a technical work of this length and complexity is sure to have minor errors. Hopefully, reader feedback will allow the work to be more and more polished as time goes along.
- PAGE 2 - 6TH PARAGRAPH The RBTI notes relate to programming a diet for one, [DELETE COMMA] single person based on one single test for one very short period of time. It is not one person, one test one diet for life. If you have any queries or questions on the content of these notes please direct them to your appropriate, qualified health care practitioner:
- PAGE 2 - LAST PARAGRAPH In putting these notes together, all parts of the Reams' [NOT SURE IF THE APOSTROPHE IS REQUIRED. IF ITS NOT, DO A FIND/REPLACE FOR DOCUMENT CONSISTENCY] Biological Theory of Ionization Course lectures have been used including:
- PAGE 3 - LAST PARAGRAPH In regard to the practising of dietary planning and advice by [MAYBE "WITHIN THE" INSTEAD OF "BY"] RBTI, be aware that ["THERE ARE" INSTEAD OF "THAT"]various legal things are [DELETE "ARE" IF PRECEDING SUGGESTION IS USED] mentioned as being allowed, or requiring special permits [ADD COMMA AFTER "PERMITS"] or some other such thing. Be aware that these notes were ORIGINALLY set down in the mid-70's, and in the United States of America. In the intervening period of time laws may have changed, so it is the responsibility of the individual, in whatever country, to become thoroughly familiar with all the relevant legal aspects that may affect a nutritional consultancy practice.
- PAGE 13 - 2ND PARAGRAPH Carey Reams always planned to teach his Theory of Ionization in 9 Sessions, and I know there have been further developments, and more advanced classes are being taught.
- [CONSIDER THIS FOR SMOOTHER FLOW: Carey Reams always planned to teach his Theory of Ionization in 9 Sessions; I know more advanced classes are being taught and there have been further developments.]
- PAGE 13 - 3RD PARAGRAPH I NOTICED PREVIOUS USES OF THE WORD "ENROL" WITH ONE "L". THIS PARAGRAPH USES "ENROLL". MAYBE YOUR FIND/REPLACE CAN GO THROUGH THE DOCUMENT FOR CONSISTENCY. The serious student is encouraged to enroll in those classes to further their own knowledge and understanding, clarify and correct misinformation, and pickup where these notes leave off.
- PAGE 14 - 3RD FULL PARAGRAPH His work ethic and principles were such that he constantly sought truth based strictly on mathematical principles, not on a perceived truth, not on a generally acceptable truth, not on a financially beneficial truth, and not on a convenient theory. Needless to say, his theories and teachings often went against the grain of current teaching but [CONSIDER "WHICH" INSTEAD OF "BUT THAT"] that does not make them incorrect, only exceedingly unpopular with those who teach the orthodox way [COMMA AFTER "WAY"] for to accept his changes [INSERT "WOULD"] put them on the bottom of the ladder again.. [DELETE 2ND PERIOD]
- PAGE 14 - 4TH PARAGRAPH In order to begin to get his message across to his students, many of them health professionals with medical and chiropractic degrees, they often had to "unlearn" what they had learnt at school, in college and in medical school [COMMA AFTER "SCHOOL"] for not only did he show them that chemistry and physics were being taught incorrectly; but [REPLACE SEIM-COLON WITH A COMMA] AND [REPLACE "BUT" WITH "HE ALSO SHOWED"] that anatomy and physiology also were being taught incorrectly to Doctors in medical school as well.
- PAGE 14 - LAST PARAGRAPH Carey Reams used his knowledge of physics, math, chemistry, anatomy, physiology and biophysics to develop an equation which was [CONSIDER "IS" INSTEAD OF "WAS"] a signpost of health.
- PAGE 15 - 3RD PARAGRAPH While the equation itself is NOT one of the healing arts, it is the greatest tool the healing arts ever had [INSERT COMMA AFTER "HAD"] for not only does it show what healing methods work, but perhaps more importantly, it shows what methods DON'T WORK.
- PAGE 19 - 3RD PARAGRAPH UNDER "SUGARS - GENERAL" Remember, the results [CONSIDER "SYMPTOMS" OR "SIGNS" B/C "RESULTS" CAN IMPLY A TEST RESULT] for high and low blood sugar are exactly the same, "not enough oxygen to the brain" and it is also common for some symptoms to be present in both the high and low sugar range so unless you know what range the sugar reading is in you cannot confidently make a health assessment, or recommend the right course of action to correct the person's problem.
- PAGE 48 - BETWEEN UpH 6.5 AND UpH 6.4 THIS ENTRY EITHER LOOKS OUT OF PLACE OR NEEDS INDENTATION... Alkaline Tendencies Digestion. The higher the pH the slower the digestion or the tearing apart and the proteins are digesting slowly.
1 x 2 a day, then
1 x 3 a day, then
2 x 2 day, and then
2 x 3 a day
so it won't upset the baby or give the baby diarrhea.
Page 49 Acidophilus culture is a lactate, and is only recommend when the urine pH is over 6.40. (should be recommendED)
- Suggest that "TOC" in the introduction is more distracting than using the full expression as it is not immediately obvious what it means and sounds a bit informal compared to the rest of the text.
- page 13 pickup - not one word but two
- p 14 "for thinking that I was a doubting Thomas." does not make sense in context but "for thinking that, I was a doubting Thomas." do
- p 21 "their blood carries too much oxygen" this comes right after a full stop, so should have a capital. "Their blood.... "
- p28 alternating use of "mummy" and "mommy", and needs capital
- p32 he said "no I don't drink" needs a capital for No
- p 32 there does not appear to be any such thing as testrogen, is this testosteone?
- p33 "alcohol was an illness" alcoholism?
- p33 "100s" should be "hundreds"
- p33 "tailor make" should be "tailor-make"
- p35 "less proportion of muscle to fat" should be "lower proportion of muscle to fat"
- p38 "benefited" should be "benefitted"
- p39 the first set of numbers lacks an M for the 4 and a C for the 7 speech marks are missing on "old grandma's soap" in one instance "become to be a senior citizen" should be "become a senior citizen" or "come to be a senior citizen"
- "So these are rather easy to handle is the low blood sugar causing a nausea or sick feeling" does not make sense yet.
- p 42 "the affect of H1+ ions on the activity of enzymes" should be "effect"
- p43 "pH is also shows" is this "pH also shows?"
- p44
- mentions putting a pH meter into distilled water and getting a zero. This does not happen, is this a conductivity meter?
- p44 "pH's" There is no apostrophe here
- p45 "it's cells cannot" should be "its cells cannot" (possessive its not abbreviation of it is)
- p14 "those who teach the orthodox way for to accept" should be "those who teach the orthodox way, for to accept..."
- "incorrectly" should not have a semi-colon after it, but a comma. Semi-colon is used where you would otherwise put "and"
- p63 "breaking down of the nerves" has a full stop after it, but no capital for the next word, so perhaps it is meant to be a comma "body increased it's thyroid production" should be "its thyroid production" (possesive its) "your body" followed by "he'd die" - needs to be one or the other "it's the undigested proteins that's the prime cause" should be "that are the prime cause"
- p64 "was able to handle to load" should be "handle the load" "If the undigested protein stays in the body for 3 days and not being completely utilised it gets stored in the form of urea." should be "and is not completely utilised" or "without being completely utilised"
- p65 section on Magnesium has one pair of speech marks only. Now whenever the body chemistry is going through a withdrawal the urea will drop below 12 and this is one way to tell when a body chemistry is in withdrawal is that the urea will be below 12 along with the other numbers, or way below normal, below perfect is what I'm saying. should be Now whenever the body chemistry is going through a withdrawal, the urea will drop below 12 along with the other numbers, or way below normal, below perfect. "and the delta cells that are being thrown out so rapidly thickens the blood so thick until it overworks the heart." should be "thicken" (plural) "Now on a FIRST test you find a urea 24 or above and you put a stethoscope on the heart it's a very loud, beating very hard and you've heard doctors say you're heart is strong as a horse's heart. All they were saying is about to have a heart attack, a pectoris heart attack." should be "it's very loud"
- "your heart" "All they were saying is, about to have a heart attack...." "Now if this undigested urea, which is really worn out cells that are very high in protein, stay in the body for three days" should be "stays in the body"
- p66 "until he's gonna" should be "going to" "100 cc Graduated Cyliner," is this meant to be Cylinder? "In addition you'll need a quantity Bicarbonate of Soda" this would need to be "quantity of Bicarbonate of Soda" in NZ, but your location may say it differently.
- p 73 Volkswagon is actually spelt Volkswagen
- p 84 aircraft hanger should be aircraft hangar
- p91 "In an old-fashioned air, not jets, we have up front the infernal combustion engine" air should be airplane infernal should be internal
- p 92 "which goes out as exhaust with all it's heat" should be "its" (possessive, no apostrophe)
- p96 "The alcohol the pancreas manufactures is similar to 94 Proof Gin and it's purpose is to" should be "its purpose" (possessive)
- p16 "It's in the bible," should be Bible
- p58 "if the urea goes up then it's just temporary thing" should be "just a temporary thing"
- p65 "Right now it's suffice to say" should be RIght now it suffices to say or right now it's sufficient to say
- p73 "While energy in it's simple, elemental form" should be energy in its simple, elemental form (possessive its)
- p76 "incomprehensible in it's overall pattern" should be "its overall pattern" (possessive its)
- p77 "in it's broad sense it is, but in it's exact sense" should be "its" both times
- p86 "nature knows it's way" should be "its way" here to edit.
- p 100 "Most of the people who have an allergic to cow's milk" should be allergy or allergic reaction
- p100 "They were told, "all of you are allergic to white potatoes" and the mother almost died with shock, she said, "what else is there to eat? We buy them by the 100 lb, what else is there to eat?" each sentence in speech marks should begin with a capital. "All of your are allergic" "What else is there to eat?" "Aloe Vvera gel" should be Aloe vera gel "not just the spice called Alspice" should be Allspice
- P 101So it doesn't matter how to get well just so they get well could be "how they get well, just so they get well"
- p 101 You may find ten thousand ways....your answer will be the same this does not seem to make sense, is it one answer or 10,000?
- p 101 believe in what you're doing should be "belief in what you're doing"
- p 101 than they are in say a brick wall should be "than they are in, say, a brick wall"P102"out of that.....bowel comes cationic" should be "bowel come cationic" (plural subject) "there's photographs taken" should be "there are photographs taken" "If you study" should be "If you studied" (conditional) "...cocky and smart and if you really..." should be "cocky and smart, if you really" "how do you know?" search out all speech marks and check that each sentence begins with a capital) "...that there's many times" should be "that many times there's " or "..that often there's..."
- P 106 "bible" Search for bible throughout and give it a capital each time.
- Section on Artery & Vein decide whether they start with capitals or not, and stick to that. If a line ends with "and" or any punctuation apart from ".", don't start the next line with a capital. (Throughout) "it's called vein" should be "it's called a vein" "an artery and vein" should be "an artery and a vein" "no muscles in the walls walls" should be one "walls" "easiest of all arthritises" could be "easiest of any arthritis"
- P 108 "months and months and ......" consider reducing to three "months" "bunch of guinea wasp" should be "bunch of guinea wasps" section on bee stings:as an aside, I was stung by a wasp a couple of months ago and it hurt but I felt wonderful as well.
- p109 "I know you did honey" should be Honey?
- p 110"The program will not cause the joint to deteriorate further" Reading the rest of the section I think this should be "will prevent the joint from deteriorating further". "it's/its" strikes again this page "crematory" should be "crematorium" unless the US differs here. "psalms" should be "Psalms" Assimilation: "mineral" should be "a mineral" "BI system" - what is this? Could it be done in full? "Periodic Table of elements" should be Periodic Table of Elements "different numbers of units?" should remove question mark
- p 112 "if it's young enough" should be "if it's too young" "lay it on his back" should be "it on its back" or "him on his back" "first foods" should be "first food"
- P113 "problems that's going to cost you money" should be "that are going to cost" "he doesn't need it any more" should be "he doesn't need them anymore so the liver doesn't manufacture them anymore" (anymore one word not two, and it not them) "funguses" should probably be "fungi" or just "fungus" (check throughout) "that's in the wrong classification" should be "that are" "Bacteria, and fungus," should be "Bacteria and fungus" "Mucous" should be "mucus" unless different in the US. (Throughout)
- P 114 "No it doesn't burn your throat...." has not been closed off with speech marks. "to be sick you got to work at it" should be "you've" (several times here)
- P115 "coming into effect, like things attract each other" would read better as "coming into effect: like things attract each other" "a person that is a chain smoker" should be "a chain smoker" (redundant words) "pores without hair in it" should be "in them"
- P117 Benzene - decide whether it begins with a capital or not, and stick to it. Same with other elements. (Throughout)
- P118 "you will see again and again yourself in the mirror" should be "you will see yourself again and again...."
- Bicarbonate of Soda section: This may be misunderstood perfectly. I believe Reams is saying "Don't have these
- fruit juices without soda", not "Don't have them at all." "neutralize the acids" should be "neutralized" "low pH's" should be "low pHs" (throughout)
- P120 "naval" should be "navel" (throughout) "it's texture" "it's path" :( "plusses" and "pluses" (choose one spelling and stick to it throughout) could consider "positives and negatives" as more elegant.
- Consider whether you want so many sections throughout to begin with "Now", it's for speech more than writing and gets a bit distracting.
- P 120 "Theological" should have no capital letter "it goes to the transformer glands" should be "goes to the transformer glands", remove "it" "The blood is a distribution factor for mineral (singular)" could this be
- "distribution vector for minerals"? "amino acids that has begun" should be "have begun"
- p123 "It's only in the quick change" should be "it's only the quick change" "walk, walk, walk, walk, walk" could be "walk, walk, walk" because the effect is different in writing. "very rich in Vitamin K, alfalfa sprouts" should be "very rich in Vitamin K: alfalfa sprouts..... "we see them rebuilt all the time" I have read this section earlier, it's a duplicate.
- p124 "counselling on whatsoever". should be ...whatsoever." (move full stop) "Soft Tissue" there is no reason for capitals here "36 vertebra" should be "36 vertebrae" plural (throughout)
- p126 "bacteria gets in and causes a problem" this section on benzene is mostly a repeat "The bone is also a storage area" over-use of "Now" in this section "formtion" should be "formation" "and calcium phosphate forms" should be "...form" (plural subject)
- p127 "same amount colloids" should be "same amount of colloids" "There's some good textbooks" should be "There are some...." "so now they're bringing me what I want" does not make sense in this passage about what happened to 'Doc' "So these are factors" repetition of So in this passage
- p128 Lots of "Now" on this page "pH of 6.30 or 6.40 in both" does not make sense
- p129 "the questions that's going to be" should be "that are going to be" "you got to" should be "you've got to" several times here, and throughout "A person that is a chain smoker" should be "a chain smoker" but this
- passage is also a repeat from earlier in the text.
- P130 "at the cell stole" I am not sure what this means, could it be clarified? "calcium ratios that determines" should be "that determine" (plural subject)
- p133 "effecting" should be "affecting" (throughout) "There's two scripture texts" should be "There are two..." "the though that you can" should be "the thought that you can"
- p 134 "knowing it's there" could be "knowing they are there" "Brain Tumor Patterns" this is presumably a heading, but it does not present as one, so it's a bit confusing.
- p. 135"Definite Tumor" this is odd in capitals.
- p 136 "A lady and her husband come in one afternoon" this story should stay in the present or past tense.
"doctor" she said - should be "Doctor", she said "kidneys to functioning" should be "kidneys to function" or "kidneys functioning" - p 137 "Vitamin A&D" this looks odd, try "vitamin A and D" "suggest to you as testers that" should be "as testers is that" (add is)
- p. 138"doctor" should be "Doctor" throughout (if said to a doctor) "I'll do my best to get you" should be "to get to you" "the sponsor who was paying her way was her employer" should be "her employer was paying her way"
- p 139 "I'm going to send you home" this is not closed off with speech marks yet "two of them was in the same family" should be "were in the same family" "some of the greatest sermons that's ever preached is" should be "that are ever preached are" "most everything they say is important" should be "almost everything they say is important"
- p 140 "This is your job as....." should be "Your job as...." "But they figure that whenever" should be "But whenever" "and the preservatives in it..." should be "I've never found the preservatives in it to do anyone any harm" "it's not used;" should be "so it's not used." (no semi-colon but a full stop) "kinds.The calcium groups are" should have two spaces after a full stop, throughout.
- p141 "Calcium lactate tablet" should be plural "had, as" should be "had:" "6.00/7.50" needs to be set better on the page "alright" this is not correct for NZ but may be for the US. We would put "all right"
- p142 "debilated" should be "debilitated"
- p 143 "foods with enough natural calciums in it" should be either "" or "foods....them" "all forms of the nucleus is composed of" should be "all forms...are" "in all our foods there's only" should be "there are only"
- p 144 "a women will use" should be " a woman will use"
- p145 "doing real well" should be "doing really well" or "very well" "what-so-ever" could be "whatsoever" if you don't want the extra emphasis "doctor's" should be "doctors" (plural) "centigrade" decide whether it begins with a capital and stick to it (throughout) "The number of calories that's in an egg" remove "that's" altogether
- p146? "Fat club" section : choose present or past tense and stick to it. "dead cell that it's lost" should be "dead cell that has lost" "perfectly well, perfectly healthy" is repetitious, less suitable for text than speech
- p148 "foods here that's got preservatives in them" should be "food here that has preservatives in it" "what-so-ever" is one word
- p149 "your body diet" should be "your diet" "plum to death" should be "plumb to death" "imminent" should be "immanent"
- p150 "There's one thing I want to make a difference in" should be "One thing I want to point out" "and then it'll and then it will" should be "and then it will" "because they cannot digest it, and it only makes their condition worse because they cannot digest itbecause it takes energy away from other the foods" delete and use "because they cannot digest it, and it only makes their condition worse because it takes energy away from the other foods" "have them to eat more food" should be "have them eat more food" "because the yellow light is rich" should be " because it is rich" "they're poison to the body because it doesn't" should be "because they don't" (throughout this paragraph)
- p151 "Weight, Sex, Race (if not White)" should be "Weight, Sex, Race"
- p152 "find you're problems" should be "find your problems" (throughout, very common mistake) "I would like for you.....a lot of people" this is garbled spoken language and needs to be rewritten and shortened. "so all the testers can use it" should be "use them" "he's the great physician" many prefer "He's" when talking about God "but a lot of people when they're ill need a lot of encouragement" should be "but when people are ill they need encouragement" "some that's in the valley" should be "some that are in the valley"
"blest" could be "blessed" (archaic) "Reamsever" should be "Reams ever" 2 words "The minister would be the catalyst" remove, redundant "A/F you got to know when" should be "A/F is, you have to know when"
- P153 "that had to be lead everywhere" should be "led" "and there problem" should be "their problem" (throughout)
- P154 "to understand and to comprehend" one of these is redundant. "who's got a" should be "who has a" Bullet points: don't follow a comma with a capital in the next line "anything means you can" should be "anything, you can" "50% of the automobile accidents" should be "50% of automobile accidents"
- P155 "it's just temporary thing" should be "it's just temporary"
- P156 "water of the air we breathe" should be "or the air" "a person that it does the opposite" should be "that does the opposite" "many Islands and many people of the world depends" should be "many people depend on the growing of sugar cane for their income." "thousands and thousands and thousands" should be "thousands" "so pure until" should be "so pure that" "is not near as efficient" should be "nearly" "Now as this current rotates around and around and around and the mineral is in the marrow of the bone and this rotation" should be "Now as this current rotates and the mineral is in the marrow, this rotation...."
- P157 "centre the heat of the earth" should be "centre and the heat of the earth"
- P158 "they got a claw" should be "they have a claw" "As one of the course instructors said....." it is not clear what the instructor said, because the speech marks are not closed off. "maybe 4% will" should be "maybe 4% that will"
- P159 "what the shepherd teaches us" presumably this should be "what The Shepherd teaches us" but this sentence is garbled and needs to be rewritten bullet points: no capitals after commas (throughout)
P160"but I haven't found a child....but" remove one "but"
"sugarall or sweet and low" put these in capitals for trade names
"they're, they're, they're really" just one "they're"
"this is what makes identity, identity" should be "this determines identity"
"mummy....mommy....." choose one
"mummy" "mommy" choose one, and give them capitals as proper names
"memorize, memorize......." one repetition at most
"daddy and mommy's an old fogey" should be "Dad and Mom are old fogeys"
"Children....and besides his body" should be "A child....and besides his body"
"mongoloid children" consider "Down's Syndrome"
"This can be prevented......" astonishingly, this is one long sentence and needs
to be broken up.
"devil" proper name, needs capital as used further on (throughout)
"or it will stop almost completely" it is not clear what this refers to?
"I mean anywhere you get it you're drugged" what does this mean?
"if they'll follow this program cannot" choose they or you
"He doesn't know why" it's not clear who this refers to
"many, many, many, many" cut down
"Now he said" not clear who this is
"If you liver" should be "If your liver"
"The liver.....9/8 of it could be taken away" this is more than 100%, doesn't make sense
"but for men it's a varible" should be variable?
"Now you'll have clients who'll sit there and say " this section does not have speech marks closed off
"the cold hands " should be "they symptoms.... are cold hands and cold feet"
"Overadministration" should be "overadministering"
"talk, talk, talk....." reduce to 3 or so
"The pH's stayed up, and stayed up......" cut down and remove apostrophe
"risk damage a colon" should be "risk damage to a colon"
"but don't advise they put hydrogen peroxide in it" it's not clear what this means
"Ginseng....Chapparal....." these don't have capitals
"..if I got to do it" should be "If I have got to do it"
"you got to do it" same
"a certain kinds of colors" should be "certain kinds of colors"
"brownish green color" should end with a question mark, and
the following sentence should not.
"There's plants like that" should be "there are",
likewise "There's three"
search on "there's" to find all these, there are plenty.
"that come along" should be "that comes along"
"than the white man" should be "than white people"
"Very low blood sugar....." this sentence is too long.
"they sensitive" should be "they are sensitive"
"know the whether" should be "know whether"
",or not the diet," delete, redundant
"a persons' sugar level" should be "person's"
"it was their body" should be "it was that their body"
"if you'd have done nothing" should be "if you had done nothing"
"because if you have faith" should be "if you have faith"
"manures" should be "manure"
"for mercy like He did" should be "for mercy, like He did"
"was David" should be "it was David"
"rip off" should be "ripoff"
"it's identity" should be "its"
"I'm sorry doctor" should be "Doctor"
"two weeks trial" should be "two week trial"
"zeros in" should be "zeroes in"
"MicroMho" capitalise this just one way, not two
"understand then" should be "understand" (repetition)
"There's one cause and one reason" should be "One reason"
"adults that's constipated" should be "that are"
"that's the prime cause" should be "that are"
"the swallow" should be "then swallow"
"crux" does not make sense in context, should be "crutch"
"when the airs first come out" doesn't make sense and tense is wrong
"in the ovary, and the sperm" remove comma
"the whole Course" remove capital
"why it starts" should be "why does it start"
"charleyhorses, is" should be "are"
"Dead" I have read this several times and it still does not make sense to me.
How can something benefit the dead?
Very end of P192: speech marks need to be replaced with a colon.
"havn't" should be "haven't"
"without a license" this has not been closed off with speech marks.
"Medulla" probably does not have a capital
"Ch 3" should be "chapter 3"
"a person in Pennsylvania" this is clearly a woman so might as read like one. Replace
"their" with "her", etc.
"progress or not progress" should be "progress of lack of it"
"bloody, swollen" should be "bloody and swollen"
"they're numbers" should be "their"
"or isn't it cooperating" should be "is it not."
"Others causes" should be "Other causes"
"malfunctioning uterus" should be "a malfunctioning uterus"
"in all world" should be "in all the world"
"Here is how DES worked" this passage needs to be in one tense, present or past but not both.
"the liver is a not" should be "the liver is not a"
"Devil" "devil" proper name, capitalise. Throughout.
"water fast" should be "water fasts"
"they will all almost have" should be "they will all have almost"
"it is also used" should be "It is also used"
"ythe" should be "the"
"layed out" should be "laid out"
"sugarall or sweet and low" put these in capitals for trade names
"they're, they're, they're really" just one "they're"
"this is what makes identity, identity" should be "this determines identity"
"mummy....mommy....." choose one
"mummy" "mommy" choose one, and give them capitals as proper names
"memorize, memorize......." one repetition at most
"daddy and mommy's an old fogey" should be "Dad and Mom are old fogeys"
"Children....and besides his body" should be "A child....and besides his body"
"mongoloid children" consider "Down's Syndrome"
"This can be prevented......" astonishingly, this is one long sentence and needs
to be broken up.
"devil" proper name, needs capital as used further on (throughout)
"or it will stop almost completely" it is not clear what this refers to?
"I mean anywhere you get it you're drugged" what does this mean?
"if they'll follow this program cannot" choose they or you
"He doesn't know why" it's not clear who this refers to
"many, many, many, many" cut down
"Now he said" not clear who this is
"If you liver" should be "If your liver"
"The liver.....9/8 of it could be taken away" this is more than 100%, doesn't make sense
"but for men it's a varible" should be variable?
"Now you'll have clients who'll sit there and say " this section does not have speech marks closed off
"the cold hands " should be "they symptoms.... are cold hands and cold feet"
"Overadministration" should be "overadministering"
"talk, talk, talk....." reduce to 3 or so
"The pH's stayed up, and stayed up......" cut down and remove apostrophe
"risk damage a colon" should be "risk damage to a colon"
"but don't advise they put hydrogen peroxide in it" it's not clear what this means
"Ginseng....Chapparal....." these don't have capitals
"..if I got to do it" should be "If I have got to do it"
"you got to do it" same
"a certain kinds of colors" should be "certain kinds of colors"
"brownish green color" should end with a question mark, and
the following sentence should not.
"There's plants like that" should be "there are",
likewise "There's three"
search on "there's" to find all these, there are plenty.
"that come along" should be "that comes along"
"than the white man" should be "than white people"
"Very low blood sugar....." this sentence is too long.
"they sensitive" should be "they are sensitive"
"know the whether" should be "know whether"
",or not the diet," delete, redundant
"a persons' sugar level" should be "person's"
"it was their body" should be "it was that their body"
"if you'd have done nothing" should be "if you had done nothing"
"because if you have faith" should be "if you have faith"
"manures" should be "manure"
"for mercy like He did" should be "for mercy, like He did"
"was David" should be "it was David"
"rip off" should be "ripoff"
"it's identity" should be "its"
"I'm sorry doctor" should be "Doctor"
"two weeks trial" should be "two week trial"
"zeros in" should be "zeroes in"
"MicroMho" capitalise this just one way, not two
"understand then" should be "understand" (repetition)
"There's one cause and one reason" should be "One reason"
"adults that's constipated" should be "that are"
"that's the prime cause" should be "that are"
"the swallow" should be "then swallow"
"crux" does not make sense in context, should be "crutch"
"when the airs first come out" doesn't make sense and tense is wrong
"in the ovary, and the sperm" remove comma
"the whole Course" remove capital
"why it starts" should be "why does it start"
"charleyhorses, is" should be "are"
"Dead" I have read this several times and it still does not make sense to me.
How can something benefit the dead?
Very end of P192: speech marks need to be replaced with a colon.
"havn't" should be "haven't"
"without a license" this has not been closed off with speech marks.
"Medulla" probably does not have a capital
"Ch 3" should be "chapter 3"
"a person in Pennsylvania" this is clearly a woman so might as read like one. Replace
"their" with "her", etc.
"progress or not progress" should be "progress of lack of it"
"bloody, swollen" should be "bloody and swollen"
"they're numbers" should be "their"
"or isn't it cooperating" should be "is it not."
"Others causes" should be "Other causes"
"malfunctioning uterus" should be "a malfunctioning uterus"
"in all world" should be "in all the world"
"Here is how DES worked" this passage needs to be in one tense, present or past but not both.
"the liver is a not" should be "the liver is not a"
"Devil" "devil" proper name, capitalise. Throughout.
"water fast" should be "water fasts"
"they will all almost have" should be "they will all have almost"
"it is also used" should be "It is also used"
"ythe" should be "the"
"layed out" should be "laid out"
Too many capitals, eg Whole Wheat Toast, very distracting.
"OR." remove full stop after "or" (anywhere)
"DIFFERENTIAL" this needs to be lowered one or two lines.
"considered it foolish" should be "considered it as foolish"
"to hand to a stranger your bank account" should be "to hand a stranger your bank account"
"we get 80% of our food...from our food" should be "we get 80% of our food.....from what we eat"
"illness comes in" add a comma after in.
"electrical energy that's released" should be "the electrical energy....."
"from where they're then" should be "from whence they are" or just "and then they are"
"and interacts a gas" should be "an interacts, a gas"
"then to the liver" should be "and then to the liver"
"and the function" should be ", and the function" add comma
"rest of the body;" should be a full stop.
"At this stage" lower this a line
"tints shades and colors" it isn't clear what these words mean in context
"pickup" is two words (please check throughout)
"of various" too much space between words
"goes, remember" should be "goes - remember...."
"everything else, remember..." should be "everything else: it programs..."
"something on that order" should be "of that order" or "like that"
"6 billion....six billion" choose words or numberals and stick with it
"Six billion is from childhood" this passage isn't clear in meaning.
"Keep in mind....the kidney" very long sentence, please break in two.
"constantly changing second by second" should be "constantly changing, second by second..."
"All amino acids have" should be "Every amino acid has"
"Premature aging is that" should be "is when" or "is where"
"the the food" should be "the food" (search on "the the" in case"
"the diet must be which" should be "the diet must be, which"
"against themself" should be "against themselves and their wallets, and working for the
"for people always" should be "for people, always"
"the numbers so that" should be "the numbers, so that"
"AND by supplying......" should be "AND the right foods and supplements are supplied, the body will grab them. When the pHs are way out, the digestion may still be unable to get what the
body needs, but....."
"yet their very growth" should be "but their actual growth"
"there's case histories" should be "there are"
P 206
"in the winter time" should be "in winter"
"he's gains" becomes "he gains"
"be nearer to 80%" becomes "probably closer to 80%"
"come in to" becomes "come into"
"and The mineral content" no capital after "and"
P 207
"720 wet lb" this looks very odd, use "pounds" (more than once)
"7 lb divide" becomes "7 lb divided by"
"7 lb divide by" becomes "divided by" (repeats in this passage)
"is the differences" becomes "are the differences" and this
line needs to drop by one.
"how little of the food we eat" does not make sense, try "how little of our food we get"
P 208
"have to be slowed down" becomes "has to be slowed down"
"the up building" change to "the building up of" or "the build up"
"18.....eighteen" choose one
"people coming in that's" change to "that are"
"30's or early 40's" change to "30s or early 40s" or use "forties"
"to slow down the heart beat" change to "slow the heartbeat"
"who's heart" shouldn't this be "whose heart" ?
"come off of it" should be "come off it"
"The to express patterns.." should be "goal"
"The reason why" should be "The reason you are"
P 209
"it don't help a bit" should be "doesn't"
"Do." needs to drop a line
"drugs is the whole thing" should be "are the whole thing"
"There's many things" should be "There are"
"The organs that are damaged" should be "The organ that is damaged"
"that gives tone" should be "that give tone,"
"in space looking down" should be "in space looking down," add comma
"Van Allen Belt" should be "the Van Allen Belt"
"is because the cations" should be "it is because the cations"
"If you want to charge a magnet" this sentence needs commmas
"the hair stands on end is because" should be "the hair stands on end, it is because..."
"the magnetic anions in the air" should be "the number of magnetic anions in the air"
"that cations that's in the air" should be "the cations in the air"
"there's great spaces between them" should be "there are"
"then is the night" should be "then it is night"
"would be 2250 pounds" should be "that would be 2250 ...."
"that's taken off" should be "that are taken off"
"to understand to see a picture" should have a comma
"but the moment you get the glory" should be "The moment you get the glory" new sentence
"give him the glory" should be "Him"
"there's three reasons" should be "there are"
(this is the last reference I am going to make to "there's" as they are all through and it
seems most of them need to be changed to "there are"
"it's only that which" is garbled.
"it's only what you learn, after you 'know it all', after you get your sheepskin on the wall, that counts. "
"But the theory" should be "The theory...."
"You're not lost in these circles....." it's not clear what this means so I can't rewrite it.
"everyone of us" should be "every one of us"
"it'll burns" should be "it'll burn"
"1 revolution" should be "one revolution"
"per angstrom unit per second" should be "angstrom units per second"
"synchronized like iron" should be "synchronized, such as iron"
"is not combining the wrong foods" should be "is not 'combining the wrong foods' or 'drinking
water with the meal',......"
"wrinkle your feathers" should be "ruffle your feathers"
"feather wrinkled" should be "feather ruffled"
"it soothes the nerves" should be "they soothe the nerves"
"she become a nervous wreck" should be "she becomes"
"Now this person has collagen the uterus....." since this is a woman
should be "this woman"
"measuring the energy you're only" needs a comma after energy
"affect of energy" should be "effect"
"and is Einstein's" should be "and these are Einstein's..."
"that makes things different" should be "that make"
"it's one of the patterns that's on your atomic chart" should be "it's one of the patterns on your atomic
"volkswagon" should be "Volkswagen"
"Energy shapes are different" this is garbled, try
"Just as the parts of a Volkswagen, Chevrolet or Ford are different, so the shapes of the
(etc) that we're made of are different."
"This is what makes" should be "What makes"
"Again for instance" this whole paragraph is one sentence, it needs to be broken into
shorter sentences and have some commas added.
"what that it" should be "what that is"
"foods gives you" should be "food give you"
"The proteins is the storehouse" should be "the proteins are the storehouse"
"off - is energy." should be "off - energy."
"Reserve Energy" no capitals
"up in the 80's" should be "up in the 80s"
"that pattern which can be done" should be "that pattern, which can be done"
"and that is when" should be "and that is, when"
"Now inside the cell..." should be "Inside the cell that's breaking down, air forms..."
"Praise the Lord" should be "Praise the Lord." add full stop
"Until God" should be "that God"
"If you take the following.." would be good on the same page as the numbers if possible
"approximately less than 40 hours to live" should be "approximately" or "less"
"I said, "no, doctor". " should be : I said, "No, Doctor." (capitals, position of full stop)
"So, what I'm trying to say is....." should be "So, what I'm trying to say is, this energy table,
you better believe it."
"So this is how I know is because" should be "So this is how I know, because"
"to try to even comprehend" should be "to even try to comprehend"
"zeros" should be "zeroes"
'you have technicians" should be "you have technicians, "
", were" should be "were"
"blue-prints" should be "blueprints"
"and is not processed" should be "and not processed"
"(the first 60 - 70% only) " should be "(the first 60-70% of)"
"By also" should be "Also"
"is by ionization" should be "it is by ionization"
"truely" should be "truly"
"liver functioning" should be "liver functions"
"This has just opened a door....." this paragraph is one whole sentence
again, needs to broken down.
"that makes things different" should be "that make"
"it's one of the patterns that's on your atomic chart" should be "it's one of the patterns on your atomic
"volkswagon" should be "Volkswagen"
"Energy shapes are different" this is garbled, try
"Just as the parts of a Volkswagen, Chevrolet or Ford are different, so the shapes of the
(etc) that we're made of are different."
"This is what makes" should be "What makes"
"Again for instance" this whole paragraph is one sentence, it needs to be broken into
shorter sentences and have some commas added.
"what that it" should be "what that is"
"foods gives you" should be "food give you"
"The proteins is the storehouse" should be "the proteins are the storehouse"
"off - is energy." should be "off - energy."
"Reserve Energy" no capitals
"up in the 80's" should be "up in the 80s"
"that pattern which can be done" should be "that pattern, which can be done"
"and that is when" should be "and that is, when"
"Now inside the cell..." should be "Inside the cell that's breaking down, air forms..."
"Praise the Lord" should be "Praise the Lord." add full stop
"Until God" should be "that God"
"If you take the following.." would be good on the same page as the numbers if possible
"approximately less than 40 hours to live" should be "approximately" or "less"
"I said, "no, doctor". " should be : I said, "No, Doctor." (capitals, position of full stop)
"So, what I'm trying to say is....." should be "So, what I'm trying to say is, this energy table,
you better believe it."
"So this is how I know is because" should be "So this is how I know, because"
"to try to even comprehend" should be "to even try to comprehend"
"zeros" should be "zeroes"
'you have technicians" should be "you have technicians, "
", were" should be "were"
"blue-prints" should be "blueprints"
"and is not processed" should be "and not processed"
"(the first 60 - 70% only) " should be "(the first 60-70% of)"
"By also" should be "Also"
"is by ionization" should be "it is by ionization"
"truely" should be "truly"
"liver functioning" should be "liver functions"
"This has just opened a door....." this paragraph is one whole sentence
again, needs to broken down.
"Also when we take magnesium into our system" should be "Also when we take in magnesium"
(to avoid repetition of system)
"things it does is be" should be "things it does is act as"
"What's Perfect" should be "What's perfect?"
"digests to quickly" should have "too"
"such that so" should be "such that"
"you get to this kind of a place everything" should be "you get to a place where everything"
"Anybody tells you" should be "Anyone that tells you"
"another way and another way...." cut this down to two or three repetitions
"how to get around over it" should be "how to get around"
"Chinese women in China" should be "In China, women who..."
"Women are made to have children" should be "Women are designed to have children"
(removes ambiguity)
"become almost insane, or raving maniacs" should be "come close to insanity"
"OK" "OK" (sounds like he was just getting tired at the end of the day, remove)
"charge whether" should be "charge, whether"
"It is so small it can, when in dry form....." should be "When in dry form, they
can stand in the air until moisture weighs them down" (spelling)
"three kinds of energy," should have a colon instead of a comma
"OK" remove, throughout
"but I tell you when you fail" should be "but I tell you, when you fail"
"Exam, Teaching and Failure" this section could perhaps use the words
"transciption of test session" to clarify what it is
"nothing wrong with them" needs a comma after "them"
"providing" should be "provided that"
"a mile a day and lack of exercise" should be "a mile a day. Lack of exercise...."
"The experiment station" it's not clear what this is to readers from another
time or location
"how wrong the experiment station is guiding the farmer"
should be "how badly"
"that it gives us energy" should be "that gives us energy"
"through the pupil not only" should be "through the pupil, not only"
"All they're saying is that child" should be "All they're saying is, that child"
"Now if someone has" should be "If someone has eye problems, and the retina has
already begun to deteriorate, then get their....."
"but some have not been benefited by it" should be "but some have not."
"These charts shown over...." could be "These eye charts came from Michael
Olszta's online course. They differ slightly from the ones I originally had,
but I like them better. There are also other charts that incorporate both eyes
into one chart, which I found less useful, but better than nothing."
all entriees should end in a full stop, or all should not. Nouns
should all start with capitals, or should not - need for
consistency here
"Cervicals : - " should be "3rd and 4th cervicals, and between"
"Woman.....male" choose "woman/man" or "male/female".
Start headings with capitals each time.
"Doc was unable to connect everytime" should be "Doc was not always able
to connect...."
"only 1 or 2" should be "only one or two"
"see it real good" should be "see it really well"
"a real bloody red" should be "a real blood red"
"at 30..." should be "at age 30" to keep it clear
"Urine and Saliva" should not be capitals
"lets us know" should be "let us know"
"co-operating" ahould be "cooperating"
"If the following numbers....." it is not clear what is meant. A woman
over 16 may be unmarried and a virgin, and a virgin may menstruate.
Does this mean "sexually active"?
"and all then all of a sudden" should be "and then all of a sudden"
"he looked like it" should be "looked like them"
"CPA people" what does this mean?
Are they lawyers or accountants?
"your expression and also the food" should be "your expression, and also, the food..."
"not casting any reflections" should be "not casting any aspersions"
"limp or whatnot" should be "limp and whatnot"
"that's got" should be "that have" throughout
"you got plenty of money" should be "you've got" or "you have"
"perfect love you cast out fears" should probably be "cast out all fears"
"(one day is not bad)" should not have parentheses
"get sick at their stomach" should be "get sick to their stomach" (twice)
Too many capitals, eg Whole Wheat Toast, very distracting.
"OR." remove full stop after "or" (anywhere)
"DIFFERENTIAL" this needs to be lowered one or two lines.
"considered it foolish" should be "considered it as foolish"
"to hand to a stranger your bank account" should be "to hand a stranger your bank account"
"we get 80% of our food...from our food" should be "we get 80% of our food.....from what we eat"
"illness comes in" add a comma after in.
"electrical energy that's released" should be "the electrical energy....."
"from where they're then" should be "from whence they are" or just "and then they are"
"and interacts a gas" should be "an interacts, a gas"
"then to the liver" should be "and then to the liver"
"and the function" should be ", and the function" add comma
"rest of the body;" should be a full stop.
"At this stage" lower this a line
"tints shades and colors" it isn't clear what these words mean in context
"pickup" is two words (please check throughout)
"of various" too much space between words
"goes, remember" should be "goes - remember...."
"everything else, remember..." should be "everything else: it programs..."
"something on that order" should be "of that order" or "like that"
"6 billion....six billion" choose words or numberals and stick with it
"Six billion is from childhood" this passage isn't clear in meaning.
"Keep in mind....the kidney" very long sentence, please break in two.
"constantly changing second by second" should be "constantly changing, second by second..."
"All amino acids have" should be "Every amino acid has"
"Premature aging is that" should be "is when" or "is where"
"the the food" should be "the food" (search on "the the" in case"
"the diet must be which" should be "the diet must be, which"
"against themself" should be "against themselves and their wallets, and working for the
"for people always" should be "for people, always"
"the numbers so that" should be "the numbers, so that"
"AND by supplying......" should be "AND the right foods and supplements are supplied, the body will grab them. When the pHs are way out, the digestion may still be unable to get what the
body needs, but....."
"yet their very growth" should be "but their actual growth"
"there's case histories" should be "there are"
P 206
"in the winter time" should be "in winter"
"he's gains" becomes "he gains"
"be nearer to 80%" becomes "probably closer to 80%"
"come in to" becomes "come into"
"and The mineral content" no capital after "and"
P 207
"720 wet lb" this looks very odd, use "pounds" (more than once)
"7 lb divide" becomes "7 lb divided by"
"7 lb divide by" becomes "divided by" (repeats in this passage)
"is the differences" becomes "are the differences" and this
line needs to drop by one.
"how little of the food we eat" does not make sense, try "how little of our food we get"
P 208
"have to be slowed down" becomes "has to be slowed down"
"the up building" change to "the building up of" or "the build up"
"18.....eighteen" choose one
"people coming in that's" change to "that are"
"30's or early 40's" change to "30s or early 40s" or use "forties"
"to slow down the heart beat" change to "slow the heartbeat"
"who's heart" shouldn't this be "whose heart" ?
"come off of it" should be "come off it"
"The to express patterns.." should be "goal"
"The reason why" should be "The reason you are"
P 209
"it don't help a bit" should be "doesn't"
"Do." needs to drop a line
"drugs is the whole thing" should be "are the whole thing"
"There's many things" should be "There are"
"The organs that are damaged" should be "The organ that is damaged"
"that gives tone" should be "that give tone,"
"in space looking down" should be "in space looking down," add comma
"Van Allen Belt" should be "the Van Allen Belt"
"is because the cations" should be "it is because the cations"
"If you want to charge a magnet" this sentence needs commmas
"the hair stands on end is because" should be "the hair stands on end, it is because..."
"the magnetic anions in the air" should be "the number of magnetic anions in the air"
"that cations that's in the air" should be "the cations in the air"
"there's great spaces between them" should be "there are"
"then is the night" should be "then it is night"
"would be 2250 pounds" should be "that would be 2250 ...."
"that's taken off" should be "that are taken off"
"to understand to see a picture" should have a comma
"but the moment you get the glory" should be "The moment you get the glory" new sentence
"give him the glory" should be "Him"
"there's three reasons" should be "there are"
(this is the last reference I am going to make to "there's" as they are all through and it
seems most of them need to be changed to "there are"
"it's only that which" is garbled.
"it's only what you learn, after you 'know it all', after you get your sheepskin on the wall, that counts. "
"But the theory" should be "The theory...."
"You're not lost in these circles....." it's not clear what this means so I can't rewrite it.
"everyone of us" should be "every one of us"
"it'll burns" should be "it'll burn"
"1 revolution" should be "one revolution"
"per angstrom unit per second" should be "angstrom units per second"
"synchronized like iron" should be "synchronized, such as iron"
"is not combining the wrong foods" should be "is not 'combining the wrong foods' or 'drinking
water with the meal',......"
"wrinkle your feathers" should be "ruffle your feathers"
"feather wrinkled" should be "feather ruffled"
"it soothes the nerves" should be "they soothe the nerves"
"she become a nervous wreck" should be "she becomes"
"Now this person has collagen the uterus....." since this is a woman
should be "this woman"
"measuring the energy you're only" needs a comma after energy
"affect of energy" should be "effect"
"and is Einstein's" should be "and these are Einstein's..."
"that makes things different" should be "that make"
"it's one of the patterns that's on your atomic chart" should be "it's one of the patterns on your atomic
"volkswagon" should be "Volkswagen"
"Energy shapes are different" this is garbled, try
"Just as the parts of a Volkswagen, Chevrolet or Ford are different, so the shapes of the
(etc) that we're made of are different."
"This is what makes" should be "What makes"
"Again for instance" this whole paragraph is one sentence, it needs to be broken into
shorter sentences and have some commas added.
"what that it" should be "what that is"
"foods gives you" should be "food give you"
"The proteins is the storehouse" should be "the proteins are the storehouse"
"off - is energy." should be "off - energy."
"Reserve Energy" no capitals
"up in the 80's" should be "up in the 80s"
"that pattern which can be done" should be "that pattern, which can be done"
"and that is when" should be "and that is, when"
"Now inside the cell..." should be "Inside the cell that's breaking down, air forms..."
"Praise the Lord" should be "Praise the Lord." add full stop
"Until God" should be "that God"
"If you take the following.." would be good on the same page as the numbers if possible
"approximately less than 40 hours to live" should be "approximately" or "less"
"I said, "no, doctor". " should be : I said, "No, Doctor." (capitals, position of full stop)
"So, what I'm trying to say is....." should be "So, what I'm trying to say is, this energy table,
you better believe it."
"So this is how I know is because" should be "So this is how I know, because"
"to try to even comprehend" should be "to even try to comprehend"
"zeros" should be "zeroes"
'you have technicians" should be "you have technicians, "
", were" should be "were"
"blue-prints" should be "blueprints"
"and is not processed" should be "and not processed"
"(the first 60 - 70% only) " should be "(the first 60-70% of)"
"By also" should be "Also"
"is by ionization" should be "it is by ionization"
"truely" should be "truly"
"liver functioning" should be "liver functions"
"This has just opened a door....." this paragraph is one whole sentence
again, needs to broken down.
"that makes things different" should be "that make"
"it's one of the patterns that's on your atomic chart" should be "it's one of the patterns on your atomic
"volkswagon" should be "Volkswagen"
"Energy shapes are different" this is garbled, try
"Just as the parts of a Volkswagen, Chevrolet or Ford are different, so the shapes of the
(etc) that we're made of are different."
"This is what makes" should be "What makes"
"Again for instance" this whole paragraph is one sentence, it needs to be broken into
shorter sentences and have some commas added.
"what that it" should be "what that is"
"foods gives you" should be "food give you"
"The proteins is the storehouse" should be "the proteins are the storehouse"
"off - is energy." should be "off - energy."
"Reserve Energy" no capitals
"up in the 80's" should be "up in the 80s"
"that pattern which can be done" should be "that pattern, which can be done"
"and that is when" should be "and that is, when"
"Now inside the cell..." should be "Inside the cell that's breaking down, air forms..."
"Praise the Lord" should be "Praise the Lord." add full stop
"Until God" should be "that God"
"If you take the following.." would be good on the same page as the numbers if possible
"approximately less than 40 hours to live" should be "approximately" or "less"
"I said, "no, doctor". " should be : I said, "No, Doctor." (capitals, position of full stop)
"So, what I'm trying to say is....." should be "So, what I'm trying to say is, this energy table,
you better believe it."
"So this is how I know is because" should be "So this is how I know, because"
"to try to even comprehend" should be "to even try to comprehend"
"zeros" should be "zeroes"
'you have technicians" should be "you have technicians, "
", were" should be "were"
"blue-prints" should be "blueprints"
"and is not processed" should be "and not processed"
"(the first 60 - 70% only) " should be "(the first 60-70% of)"
"By also" should be "Also"
"is by ionization" should be "it is by ionization"
"truely" should be "truly"
"liver functioning" should be "liver functions"
"This has just opened a door....." this paragraph is one whole sentence
again, needs to broken down.
"Also when we take magnesium into our system" should be "Also when we take in magnesium"
(to avoid repetition of system)
"things it does is be" should be "things it does is act as"
"What's Perfect" should be "What's perfect?"
"digests to quickly" should have "too"
"such that so" should be "such that"
"you get to this kind of a place everything" should be "you get to a place where everything"
"Anybody tells you" should be "Anyone that tells you"
"another way and another way...." cut this down to two or three repetitions
"how to get around over it" should be "how to get around"
"Chinese women in China" should be "In China, women who..."
"Women are made to have children" should be "Women are designed to have children"
(removes ambiguity)
"become almost insane, or raving maniacs" should be "come close to insanity"
"OK" "OK" (sounds like he was just getting tired at the end of the day, remove)
"charge whether" should be "charge, whether"
"It is so small it can, when in dry form....." should be "When in dry form, they
can stand in the air until moisture weighs them down" (spelling)
"three kinds of energy," should have a colon instead of a comma
"OK" remove, throughout
"but I tell you when you fail" should be "but I tell you, when you fail"
"Exam, Teaching and Failure" this section could perhaps use the words
"transciption of test session" to clarify what it is
"nothing wrong with them" needs a comma after "them"
"providing" should be "provided that"
"a mile a day and lack of exercise" should be "a mile a day. Lack of exercise...."
"The experiment station" it's not clear what this is to readers from another
time or location
"how wrong the experiment station is guiding the farmer"
should be "how badly"
"that it gives us energy" should be "that gives us energy"
"through the pupil not only" should be "through the pupil, not only"
"All they're saying is that child" should be "All they're saying is, that child"
"Now if someone has" should be "If someone has eye problems, and the retina has
already begun to deteriorate, then get their....."
"but some have not been benefited by it" should be "but some have not."
"These charts shown over...." could be "These eye charts came from Michael
Olszta's online course. They differ slightly from the ones I originally had,
but I like them better. There are also other charts that incorporate both eyes
into one chart, which I found less useful, but better than nothing."
all entriees should end in a full stop, or all should not. Nouns
should all start with capitals, or should not - need for
consistency here
"Cervicals : - " should be "3rd and 4th cervicals, and between"
"Woman.....male" choose "woman/man" or "male/female".
Start headings with capitals each time.
"Doc was unable to connect everytime" should be "Doc was not always able
to connect...."
"only 1 or 2" should be "only one or two"
"see it real good" should be "see it really well"
"a real bloody red" should be "a real blood red"
"at 30..." should be "at age 30" to keep it clear
"Urine and Saliva" should not be capitals
"lets us know" should be "let us know"
"co-operating" ahould be "cooperating"
"If the following numbers....." it is not clear what is meant. A woman
over 16 may be unmarried and a virgin, and a virgin may menstruate.
Does this mean "sexually active"?
"and all then all of a sudden" should be "and then all of a sudden"
"he looked like it" should be "looked like them"
"CPA people" what does this mean?
Are they lawyers or accountants?
"your expression and also the food" should be "your expression, and also, the food..."
"not casting any reflections" should be "not casting any aspersions"
"limp or whatnot" should be "limp and whatnot"
"that's got" should be "that have" throughout
"you got plenty of money" should be "you've got" or "you have"
"perfect love you cast out fears" should probably be "cast out all fears"
"(one day is not bad)" should not have parentheses
"get sick at their stomach" should be "get sick to their stomach" (twice)