Please understand that this website is devoted to research, study, and promulgation of the genius of Carey A. Reams. One facet of that task is to deeply explore "reserve energy," which is simply a way to assign a mathematical value to the human continuum from near-death to abundant life.
Records indicate that Gary Martin attended at least one of Carey Reams' seminars. Martin later established his own variant of RBTI known as the BIA (Biological Immunity Assay). It appears that Martin hired computer programmers to develop a proprietary "reserve energy" model. He later made claims that his software could bypass the onerous task of calculating so that when he offered extensive evaluation of the product, I, as owner of the RBTI Yahoo group, leaped at the opportunity.
Disillusionment came quickly. When fed urine/saliva analysis inputs from known reserve energy calculations by Carey Reams, the software gave results far from the known.
However, the evaluation did not stop there. It was decided to incrementally adjust the urine pH values by one whole pH and run analysis with all other values constant. In other words, the software was allowed to compute urine values of 6.4 pH, 5.4 pH, 4.4 pH, etc., while all other factors were kept frozen Now it is commonly known that life cannot be sustained below about 4.8 urine pH, so when BIA "reserve energy" printouts indicated reserve energy for urine pH values approaching that of vinegar, alarm bells went off and the testing was suspended. Martin was notified both privately and publicly that the software programming was badly flawed, insanely so, and represented a danger to the RBTI community.
For some reason, Martin did not heed the warning and continued to urge the members of the RBTI forum to pay for use of the software. When advised that he must stop urging others to use the software, he chose to continue. Ultimately, he was ejected from the forum. The status of the BIA software in 2012 is unknown.
Records indicate that Gary Martin attended at least one of Carey Reams' seminars. Martin later established his own variant of RBTI known as the BIA (Biological Immunity Assay). It appears that Martin hired computer programmers to develop a proprietary "reserve energy" model. He later made claims that his software could bypass the onerous task of calculating so that when he offered extensive evaluation of the product, I, as owner of the RBTI Yahoo group, leaped at the opportunity.
Disillusionment came quickly. When fed urine/saliva analysis inputs from known reserve energy calculations by Carey Reams, the software gave results far from the known.
However, the evaluation did not stop there. It was decided to incrementally adjust the urine pH values by one whole pH and run analysis with all other values constant. In other words, the software was allowed to compute urine values of 6.4 pH, 5.4 pH, 4.4 pH, etc., while all other factors were kept frozen Now it is commonly known that life cannot be sustained below about 4.8 urine pH, so when BIA "reserve energy" printouts indicated reserve energy for urine pH values approaching that of vinegar, alarm bells went off and the testing was suspended. Martin was notified both privately and publicly that the software programming was badly flawed, insanely so, and represented a danger to the RBTI community.
For some reason, Martin did not heed the warning and continued to urge the members of the RBTI forum to pay for use of the software. When advised that he must stop urging others to use the software, he chose to continue. Ultimately, he was ejected from the forum. The status of the BIA software in 2012 is unknown.