Egos are insane. They cannot be satisfied. For instance, a woman or
man can be told how attractive they are by their spouse for 1,000 days
in a row. If the praise does not come on day 1,001 the recipient
immediately wonders what is "wrong".
A bit of examination shows that nothing is wrong with the world, but
everything is wrong with the ego. That ego within routinely urges
people to lie, cheat, or even steal---all to protect its constant
arrogance and insecurity. As stated, the ego is insane.
Learning, practicing, and benefiting from RBTI does not automatically
make one immune to the ego insanity. Quite the contrary, those who
employ RBTI to become stronger and stronger, both physically and
mentally, sometimes find their ego keeping exact pace with the
vitality increase. The casual observer might even think that the ego
gains faster than the body being restored to health.
Whereas in the past those first taking up an RBTI lifestyle may have
been too weak and exhausted to have a say, the ego-burdened find it
all too easy to use the powers of the new "me" to jump on the words
and actions of others. The casual observer can almost predict that if
someone shares a hard-learned RBTI rule and another has the temerity
to point to a shortcoming or misunderstanding, then the fur & feathers
will fly.
Much of this was once summed by an astute RBTI forum member who,
watching an open clash of over-inflated egos on the bulletin board,
commented that "RBTI types tend to eat their young."
Dr. Reams taught much about the calming influence of proper calcium
absorption. Actually, his RBTI guidelines speak to all mineral
imbalances, but he was quick to single out how proper calcium can make
the hardest person in the world to live with become as sweet as can
be. It is a pity that he didn't recommend a specific to calm a raging
and self-righteous ego.
Those who truly follow the RBTI program for a lengthy period tend to
grow up. Yes, grow up---as in becoming an adult. A self-aware adult
learns to guard against those crazy egotistic rushes and to quickly
rein in the insane one when it acts up. Adults understand that
apologies should flow quickly if wounds and scars are to heal.
Perhaps we can go further here and imply that those who have trouble
being an adult may be providing proof that they are not following the
RBTI stands alone in the world. I am reminded of a relative's comment
about his company being "poor and helpless". No one in the company
was allowed to be exasperated with another because they were without
allies and defenseless against consumption by competitors. Similarly,
RBTI can ill-afford to have internal squabbling over an un-crossed "t"
or missing period. The drug dealers, in particular, love angry
squabbles as they provide "proof" that RBTI is a bit nutty.
However, correcting the misunderstanding of a fellow Reams adherent
is not squabbling, if done in a civilized manner. Even though we are
all trying to follow the same protocols given us by Reams, we all
sometimes get it wrong. When another steps up to help our
understanding we should welcome the assistance, not turn it over to
the insane one for bitter rebuttal. Well-meaning criticism can be our
biggest friend.
And we all need friends.