Before naming them, I should explain my understanding of the RBTI program and how I personally would expect to be treated. Obviously, I would want to be frequently tested and fasted if appropriate. I would want my urea determined and kept in the rebuilding range. If I were diabetic, I would expect even more frequent testing so as to avoid the possibility of diabetic coma should my body release stored insulin too quickly.
Not only would I expect a wide variety of foods at meals, I would expect them to be slanted such that I personally got more of the calcium types I might be deficient in and less of the calcium types I was overloaded with. Also, whether diabetic or not, I would like green drink a couple of times each day with the hope that my pancreas would continue to strengthen. If supplements beyond MinCol and Algavim were required in addition to diet, I would expect serious understanding by the dispenser as far as type or quantity and I would anticipate automatic Vitamin C if my urine were alkaline or Vitamin D should it be acidic.
Let there be no doubt that I would expect my water and my lemon water on a rigorous schedule exactly like I would expect scheduled medicines were I in a hospital. So few people fully understand the powerful qualities of washing away deleterious cell waste and many certainly don't comprehend just how effective fresh lemon juice is in scouring out or digesting nasty things in dark corners of the body. And, yes, if my urine Brix couldn't seem to settle into the proper range, I would appreciate the proper amount of rotated added sugars.
As a clean colon is important to RBTI, I would love for any retreat to not only be able to arrange or direct me to such service while a guest, but to actually insist I start with either a local professional or home self-service before reporting for my stay.
There is no need to mention quiet peaceful sleeping quarters or a just as quiet and peaceful daytime meeting area where the consultant could talk to me about how well my numbers were holding or improving. There would be no reason to talk about my rapidly disappearing disease(s) as RBTI is not about that, or diagnosis, or doctoring. Instead, I would like the consultant to talk at length about how God created my body perfect and that I can expect it to remain perfect if I simply "go by the numbers." And if my numbers did not remain in the healing range with the above care, I would expect my consultant to quietly but firmly urge me to look within my soul for unclean spiritual matters that might be restricting the flow of my life juices. Actually, on second thought, I would appreciate my consultant reviewing my spiritual state every time we met.
Finally, once the consultant really knew me and realized that my numbers showed I was no exception to the RBTI standard, I would want them to review my ways and habits in my work-a-day life so they could identify those things I might improve to stay in the healing range upon return to home.
Currently, there are three retreats where I think a client might get the care discussed above (and more). In no particular order they are: