> or download format? My library is now on my computer and
> I do enjoy the very best that technology has provided us to
> advance science.
The book is "edited." In this case that means among other things that
the spoken mannerisms in the original transcript such as huge numbers
of sentences starting with "Now" are removed. It means that many
bulleted sections where there are only two, three, or four items are
converted into proper sentences. It means that transcribed spoken
contractions are spelled out because this is a technical work, not a
novel. It means that UK English spellings or simply poor grammatical
phrasings are clarified or changed.
If MS Word 2013 flagged it, I studied it and decided what was best. I
also employed several grammatical software programs and heeded their
advice wherever possible. This actually amounted to many thousands of
small changes that made readability easier. Those programs also
pointed out seemingly endless excessive adverbs that peppered the
transcript and I rewrote where possible to help comprehension.
Another change was that the devotionals were removed and scheduled for
a later supplement. My original printer could only handle 320 pages
and I was only able to reduce the work to around 600 pages (that a new
printer said they could handle). Removing the devotionals, simplifying
the bulleted items and paragraph/line spacing improvements were the
only way I could make it happen. I did rule out reducing the type size
below 10 pt even though that could have made the page count
I then had to build a table of contents and extensive index totaling
24 pages. The two are not that important when clicking or searching
through a PDF of a transcript, but they are critical to finding vital
information in a half-million word printed book.
What I struggled to avoid was changing the order, intent, or meaning
of the transcript. I feel fairly confident that readers of the book
will be hard pressed to find a flagrant contradiction between book and
manuscript. However, these things happen and I must deal with any that
are discovered.
That should help with understanding the difference between printed
book and transcript. You are not the only one to speak of trying to go
all digital instead of adding yet something else to the stacks. I am
not near ready to release a generated PDF of the book because I am
still working on improving the manuscript, mainly by removing some
redundant stories and expanding the TOC plus index. I also expect to
get feedback from people who point out correctable problems in the
book. These days authors don't issue 2nd, 3rd, or 4th editions because
they can make improvements to the manuscript and the printer can
include them as of the date received. This also helps to avoid errata
sheets. I do have plans to put any boo-boos on a webpage so people can
make corrections to their print book if they wish.
That is the best I can spell it out. Rob's transcript is masterful
because it is what is needed for people to almost magically transport
back in time to "sit" in Reams' seminars and grasp fundamental truths
about human health that I personally consider superior to anything
else in the world. The book is simply an evolution of that. It has
been a tough project and I was tempted many times to give up. It was a
humbling experience, but I like to think that Reams would be proud
that I finally finished.